Looking for funding?
Speak with a member of our team
Mortgages Funded
500m +
Debt to Equity Leverage
Average Loan Size
1.56m +
Secured By Real Estate
Areas Of Expertise
What We Focus On
Utilizing our expertise and understanding of the real estate and construction trends in Canada, we recognize that time is valuable and can guarantee that we are transparent with brokers and borrowers throughout the entire process.
Private Lending
Construction Loans
Bridge Financing
Pushing Forward
Lending Framework Built Exactly To Your Needs
At Intellect Capital, we develop lending frameworks that fit the unique needs of each of our clients. In a market that demands agility, we have great flexibility in the way we are able to structre our deals in order to appeal to all parties.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is your typical rate available for a 1st mortgage below 75% ltv?
What is the lender fee or a 1st mortgage below 75% ltv?
What is your typical rate available for a 2nd mortgage below 75% ltv?
What is the lender fee for a 2nd mortgage below 75% ltv?
What is the maximum ltv you will lend to?
Success Stories
2 Million Dollars, Fast And Flexible
“I was working with a client who required funds within 48 hours in order to receive CMHC funding on a large commercial project. After speaking with Evan and the Intellect Capital team, we received a commitment letter within hours and were able to close the transaction by Tuesday afternoon. In all of my experience within the mortgage broker industry, I have never worked with a private lender who is as accommodating and agile as Intellect Capital.”
– Matthew
Get In Touch
20 Floral Parkway, Unit 2
Concord, ON L4K 4R1
T. 905-780-3141
E. info@intellectcapitalcorp.com
20 Floral Parkway, Unit 2
Concord, ON L4K 4R1
M-F: 8am - 5pm
Sat / Sun: Closed